Tuesday, July 22, 2008


After touring for so long, and buying the majority of our meals (and trying to stay on budget); being on the cruise felt decadent. Three full meals a day – plus tea-time! A pool! A gift-shop! A bar! But like every cruise, there is the somewhat goofy evening entertainment. The “highlight” was costume night, where we had to “dress-up” as an Egyptian. (I must say that this did bother me on some level. Is this not what the English did when they came to Egypt, the basis of Orientalism? Contrive a romantic notion of what Egyptians were, all the while as distancing themselves as being superior? Wasn’t the idea of this trip to understand a culture, not give a Western attitude of Egyptians being “the other”? Maybe I just think too much…)

So here I am on the Nile, in my Egyptian get-up. (That veil did not want to stay on my head; now I know why so many Muslim women use straight pins to keep them put.)

Here’s my roommate Peggy:

Dan and Kathryn looking good!

Now what do you do with a bunch of adults in costumes? Make them play silly games, of course, such as passing an empty water bottle around.

It certainly was touristy, but fun.


Unknown said...

Wow, the sunset is awesome! I can imagine myself in the sail boat during the sunset, the love of my life with a nice glass of wine from the area.

Christine said...

Unless that wine is from South Africa - fuggitabout! Egyptian wine is um... not good. >_< There are stories around that people used to die from the stuff, since the regulations were lax, and good Muslims don't drink.

We could do a Nile Cruise one day...